Friday, February 1, 2008

‘To ask or not to ask’ … it’s all about the question

Whenever I’m confused about making a decision about doing something I ask myself these two questions -

1. “Why should I do it?”
2. “When should I do it?”

I’ve observed that unless I have detailed answers to these two questions, I don’t move forward with a decision. It takes long to arrive at an answer that is satisfactory (subjectively) from all angles. Therefore, I usually hang there in limbo until the moment to decide passes by leaving me to struggle with the next in line of life’s decisions.

Lately, I’ve realized that there is a quicker way to handle such dilemmas.
I have yet to try this principle in all my life’s areas, but it’s yielded some interesting results so far. Now, when faced with a similar decision, I ask myself 2 slightly different questions -

1. “Why shouldn’t I?”
2. “Why not NOW?”

I have decided to answer these based on my top and most critical priorities/values in life and if there’s nothing major that stops me, I shall go ahead and do it.

I have a feeling that without the unnecessary justifications/rationalizations/analytics that have come to be a large part of our lives I’ll end up doing a) a lot more and b) more of what I like.

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